Englisch – English around the world | OS | 7-9 | FÖS(L)


Urheber: Zachary Nelson



They come from very different countries - but they have one common language.

English is spoken in many parts of the world. Even countries far away from England use English as their official language. Why is that?


Urheber: Digitale Lernwelten GmbH


Urheber: Digitale Lernwelten GmbH


In this module you can expect:

1. How to conquer the world

How could a small island called England rule large parts of the world? Find out what happened and practice the past tense in English.

2. How about today? Take a closer look at Ghana
How does English colonial history affect us today? Get to know a young man from Ghana who will tell you all about it. You can also practice comparing present and the past tenses.

3. Traces of colonialism. What should we do? (Challenge)
In Germany we are also concerned with our colonial past to this day. How do we want to deal with it in the future? Form your own opinion.


Urheber: Digitale Lernwelten GmbH