1. Your own text
Write a text
In this chapter a pupil and a school from Germany are missing. Write a text about you and your school that could be used here.Â
For example write about school fees, uniforms, problems oder specialities of your school.Â
You can use the texts in chapter 2 as a reference.Â
Urheber: Digitale Lernwelten GmbH
Förderfenster: Talk about you and your school
2. Record your text
3. Listen to other texts and give feedback
Give feedback
1. Listen to a recording from a partner.Â
2. Take notes:Â
- What did you like about the recording?Â
- Did you understand the text?Â
- Did you miss any important information?Â
- Did you find the text interesting?Â
- How can your partner improve?Â
3. Compare your notes and give feedback.Â
Urheber: Digitale Lernwelten GmbH