Have you ever been on a ship? Or have you dreamed of spending many weeks at sea and arriving on a beautiful Caribbean island? Seafaring changed our world hundreds of years ago. You can find out what that has to do with us today here. Welcome aboard!

Urheber: Drew Darby
1. How to conquer the world
Urheber: Digitale Lernwelten GmbH
Bist du schon einmal auf einem Schiff mitgefahren? Oder hast davon getrÀumt, viele Wochen auf dem Meer zu sein und auf einer wunderschönen Karibik-Insel anzukommen? Die Seefahrt hat schon vor mehreren Hundert Jahren unsere Welt verÀndert. Was das heute noch mit uns zu tun hat, erfÀhrst du hier. Willkommen an Bord!
1. Why was sea-faring so important?
Imagine: It is the year 1530. You live on an island and you are very poor. You have nothing to eat, nowhere to sleep, no one wants you. Someone offers you a job: Sea-faring! Working on a big sailing ship is very hard work, but it offers adventure and freedom at sea. Would you do it?
Look at the pictures if you want to know what to expect.
Urheber: Digitale Lernwelten GmbH

Urheber: Peter Monamy, Collections of the National Maritime Museum
Wikimedia Commons
Fight against the elements: Many ships sank because of storms.
Urheber: Digitale Lernwelten GmbH

Urheber: Friedrich van Hulsen
Wikimedia Commons
Attack and fight against other ships.
Urheber: Digitale Lernwelten GmbH

Work hard and obey the captain.
Urheber: Digitale Lernwelten GmbH

Urheber: Dirk Ingo Franke
Wikimedia Commons
Maybe you will get a disease called scurvy because you don't get Vitamin C on a long journey. Two thirds of the sailors died of it. If you are lucky, your captain knows that lemons, oranges, or sauerkraut help.
Urheber: Digitale Lernwelten GmbH
Förderfenster: Seefahrt
Sailors must have been very desperate to choose this life...Â
Even today people are fascinated with the dangerous life of the sailors and pirates of the past.
Even their songs, the 'sea shanties'Â are still famous!Â
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2. The Queen's pirate: Sir Francis Drake

Urheber: Searobin
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Francis Drake: A hero or just a pirate?
It was over 400 years ago. The Queen of England, Elizabeth I., gave an important order to Francis Drake: âGo and rob Spanish ships with silver from South America. I give you ships and money if you bring back gold for me.â
So Francis Drake sailed around the world, fought against Spanish ships and robbed them. He brought back incredible wealth.
Before, England was just an unimportant island. Then the English saw that they could get rich and important by sending ships to countries far away. They conquered the world.
The Queen liked that and made Francis Drake a knight in 1581.
For many English he was a hero, for others he was just a pirate.
Urheber: Digitale Lernwelten GmbH

Urheber: Diego Delso
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Drake's famous ship: The Golden Hind. (Here you see one that is built after the plans of the original ship.)
Urheber: Digitale Lernwelten GmbH

Urheber: Lencer
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He was the second man to sail around the world.
Urheber: Digitale Lernwelten GmbH

Urheber: Philip James de Loutherbourg
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The biggest battle: The English fight against the Spanish Armada
Urheber: Digitale Lernwelten GmbH

Urheber: Anonym | Ehemals zugeschrieben an George Gower
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Urheber: Digitale Lernwelten GmbH

Urheber: Unbekannt
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The Queen makes him Sir Francis Drake, a knight. His motto (in Latin): Sic parvis magna - Great things come from small things.
Urheber: Digitale Lernwelten GmbH

Urheber: Lobsterthermidor
Wikimedia Commons
Drake died at sea because of an illness.
Urheber: Digitale Lernwelten GmbH
Find out what the paintings say
Find out what the paintings say
Work with a partner. You should both pick one of the paintings each (A or B).Â
Click on the paintings and find out what they mean.Â
Tell your partner about the painting and explain what they show.
Urheber: Digitale Lernwelten GmbH
A: Painting of Queen Elizabeth I.
B: Portrait of Sir Francis Drake

Urheber: Digitale Lernwelten GmbH
Present day or past time?
The story about Francis Drake is very old. It does not belong to our time now.Â
So we need the past tense to talk about this old story.Â
Willst du einfacher in das past tense einsteigen?
Willst du einfacher in das past tense einsteigen?
Förderfenster: Past tense
Förderfenster: Fragen und Verneinung im past tense
Fragen und Verneinung im past tense

Urheber: Digitale Lernwelten GmbH

Urheber: Unsplash

Urheber: Digitale Lernwelten GmbH

Urheber: Digitale Lernwelten GmbH

Urheber: Unsplash

Urheber: Digitale Lernwelten GmbH
Your portrait of a person from the past
- Think of a person from the past that your class should know. (You can pick a famous person or someone else with an interesting story.)
- Write down what you know about that person:
- When did he/she live?
- What was special about him/her?
- What can you learn from this person? - Tell your class about this person. Use the past tenses.
3. The British Empire

Urheber: The Red Hat of Pat Ferrick
All the pink countries belonged to the British Empire in the past. The red underline shows what belongs to Great Britain today.
How did things end up with England?
After Francis Drake's time the English were very successful with their ships: They owned many countries in the whole world and called them their 'colonies'. Their 'British Empire' lasted for many years, but today it is very small.Â
Urheber: Digitale Lernwelten GmbH
Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves! Britons never, never, never will be slaves. (Herrsche, Britannia! Britannia, beherrsche die Wellen. Briten werden niemals Sklaven sein.)
Urheber: Edison Records
Internet Archive
Britannia rules the waves:Â This very old and famous song shows that Britain wanted to rule over countries that they could reach by sea.Â